Written By Lisa Z.

COVID-19 viruses can survive on surfaces from several hours to days. Here’s a summary of how you can maintain a germ and bacteria-free work environment.

  • Provide sanitation resources such as:
    • Sanitation stations
    • Replaceable table covers
    • Personal cleaning supplies
    • Cleaning education
  • Use cleaning products that:
    • Clean and disinfect all at once (e.g. pre-mixed solutions)
    • Have a Drug Identification Number (DIN), which confirms that it is approved for use in Canada
    • Are not expired
    • Have clearly labeled instructions that you can follow
  • Develop a cleaning schedule based on your businesses foot-traffic volume, number of communal spaces and consumer needs
    • Disinfect frequently used surfaces twice per day
    • Create a checklist of all surfaces that must be cleaned
  • Do not dust or sweep, which can distribute virus droplets into the air
  • Wash and dispose contaminated cleaning items properly
    • Wash reusable items with laundry soap and hot water
    • Place disposable items in lined garbage bins
  • Consider outsourcing your cleaning services from janitorial and commercial cleaning services
  • Remove items that are difficult to sanitize (e.g. soft and porous items)

Use a “layered” approach by combining multiple measures to maximize safety and reduce risk.